Sunday, June 05, 2005

JMB @ Llywelyn's Pub

Llywelyn's Pub
We had a bit of a Crazy Ride on Saturday! MrLacubrious and I headed down to Llywelyns in Webster Groves around 6:30pm to secure a good table in view of the stage. The Jonez were scheduled to join us after MrJonez fufilled his civic duties (serving bar-b-que) at a annual festival. We arrived around 7-ish, and were lucky enough to get a table right up front! I say lucky because there were some customers seated there, but they asked to be moved because it was in front of the speakers....yeah! We did notice the stage was full of musical equipment (not JMB's), but probably another band was going to play first or something...(how wrong we were).

MrLacubrious and I ordered some beer and appetizers and opted to wait to order our meal until later (good thing!). First off...Newcastle on Tap, yum......Fried Pickles with tartar sauce, yum.....enough said there.

Just before 8pm, some of the JMB crew arrived....they seemed a little perplexed about the equipment on stage. Javier arrived after that and was gracious enough to inform us that there had indeed been a mixup...they were playing at the Central West End location instead!

So we packed it in, and called MrsJonez, who acted as our personal OnStar (she says "low rent") and guided us to our destination!

When we got to Llywelyns (CWE), we got another surprise! The band was playing the UPSTAIRS Loft (no elevator)! David & Javier offered to hoist MrLacubrious to the Top of the World....and they also informed us that they were not playing until 11pm! The bartender was so funny...she asked me the following: "I don't want to offend you, but can he scoot on his butt?" Apparently her daughter is in a wheelchair and she figured if he wanted to '"scoot" that would be okay. I told her that he didn't like to do that in public, because people freak out, but that when our friends arrived we would see about that. So we opted to wait downstairs and selected a table out on the sidewalk. Called The Jonez and learned that they were soon on their way.....yeah!

So we waited to order dinner until they got there around 10-ish. We ate quickly and MrLacubrious and MrJonez headed upstairs. MrLacubrious managed to "scoot" upstairs, and was only slightly out of breath, lost both shoes and only one sock by the time he was back in his chair. Once he pulled it together, we headed into the Loft Bar.

We got a great seat up front and the show was fab. David and Javier started out, then Andrea got up there and played fiddle on most all the songs, then they asked the "bucket man" from the previous group to jam with was very cool.....

All-in-all, it was a great evening, a little late to start.....but we got what we wanted: beer, food, friends, and great music, plus a little adventure to boot....or is that scoot?!

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