I didn't blog much about the Missouri State Bowling tournament that I attended with my bowling team from ATI. I think I've been waiting until the final results are out, which they are! We had a great time shopping, eating out, drinking, relaxing AND BOWLING!
The unofficial final results of our team/doubles/singles events follows.
Team Rank (ATI - Div 4): 23rd out of 141, scratch 2144
Doubles Rank (Me and LS - Div 5): 52nd out of 164, scratch 798
Singles Rank (Me - Div 5): 181st out of 458, scratch 396
I have no idea if there is going to be any payout from these scores. A few other team members scored really well in their singles events. All in all bowling NINE GAMES in two days was rough on our old bones, but fun!
We had a pretty good season in our Wednesday Ladies League, coming in 9th the first half and 6th the second half of the season. I placed 26th out of the top 30 handicap spots, and several other players from our team also placed. I walked away with $90, not too shabby considering it's my first year bowling and I really did not expect much!
During one of the last weeks of league I bowled a 140 which at the time was 50 points over my average. This qualified me for the 50 Pins and Over Tournament on May 9th. I didn't think I would bother, but DH convinced me and I called up another team member who also qualified and she showed up too. We paid $15 to enter and along with about 40 other bowlers competed to get the highest pins over average. I placed 3rd with 76 pins over my league average of 93 and my teammate placed 2nd with 115 over her league average. I got $28 for my trouble!
It was fun and a couple of the other bowlers in our group gave me some suggestions after watching me bowl. They were surprised that I was doing so well for my first year of bowling.
I've got some tendon pain that I've been living with that needs to heal before I do too much more bowling. I'm planning to take the summer off from leagues to heal and simply practice for next season.